Scoprega sponsors VogaPosse
Scoprega is pleased to announce that it will be the official sponsor of the VOGA POSSE 2022, an event that will be held from 28 May to 4 June 2022 and which will involve three boats and 15 crew members in a crossing of the Po in the name of sustainability.
The amateur athletes, promoters of the initiative, want to emphasize the conditions of the Great River, too neglected in recent years.
Environmental sustainability and respect for the environment are issues very dear to Scoprega and to the VOGA POSSE group which in its eight daily stages, between Milan and Venice, will be able to boast the support of local operators who live and work along the Po and Ticino rivers.
As they say on their website, this event is "a way to involve, give visibility and enhance their work closely connected to the river" but also "a way to see with different eyes and experience with different rhythms what the river gradually shows along its banks. A journey that is not consumption but becomes experience. "
About this event:
TV Videos
- TG1
from minute 30:32
- TGR Emilia-Romagna
from minute 19:00